Monday, March 9, 2009

Priceless Counseling

What do you do when you need to release some pent up emotions, fears and worries with your group of girlfriends? Pizza + wine + oreo cream pie + hot tub = priceless counseling. This is actually not a picture of Kim's hot tub, but did you really think I was going to take a picture of three the hot our bathing suits...after eating oreo cream pie? Before we ate the pie, I may have considered it, but definitely not AFTER!!!

Kim's hot tub does have the changing LED (or at least I told myself they were LEDs) lights & was the perfect atmosphere for counseling. Before we all knew it, hours had gone by & we'd soaked away the pain with laughter, the fears with memories & the pent up emotions with friendship. We once again proved that although cancer is a huge part of our lives, we will not allow it to take over who we are. We also had a moment of clarity when we realized that we were finally at a point in our lives when we are truly happy. Could that possibly be the result of cancer?

I thank God for these two women and all the others I have met because of this disease. We are much stronger when we fight this as an army of warriors. If I've learned one thing through all of this, I know that I am not alone. For the remainder of my days, I will always have others fighting with me.

& finally, to Kim & Kerri...."A true friend is someone you can trust with all your secrets!" Thanks for an AWESOME night!

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