(thanks, Randy, for picking one of the most difficult letters of the alphabet!)
Kisses - from my husband, children & the Hershey's kind!
Kim's - Kim Metcalf, my sister & Kim Ludovici, a very good friend and fellow survivor. I love them both!
Kittyhawk Kites - I don't own one, but I dream about them. They're beautiful. Had the opportunity to own one when we visited the Outer Banks in November, but we decided on a rubber chicken instead. You know what you can do with a rubber chicken, in a park, on a sunny, spring afternoon? Nothing, that's what.
Kit Kat bars - krispy wafers covered in chocolate. 'nuff said.
Krispy Kreme donuts - I so dislike North Carolina for introducing me to these doughy bites of goodness. Just plaster them to my hips, please. Best eaten when they're fresh out of the oven & dripping with glaze. (is it bad that I'm drooling as I type this?)
Karaoke - I'm not a big fan of actually standing up & singing in front of a room full of strangers, but I'm a BIG fan of Karaoke when I receive a voicemail from one of our sales reps from our Japan office who is dedicating Freebird to Risa Rarson. It doesn't get much better than that.
Kansas City - Where the Big 12 Championship game takes place every year.
King size beds - When you're 5'3", you really don't have a need for anything larger than a queen size bed...but when you're 5'3", are married to a 6'2" hunk, have a 100 lb. golden retriever, a 15 lb. daschund and two kids who like to pile in the bed with you on the weekends, things tend to get a bit tight. I love it when we're on vacation & have a king size bed to play in!
Keyboard - I can't decide which keyboard I'm most addicted to...the keyboard on my Treo or the keyboard on my laptop. I'm too old to get grounded from either, right?
Kooks - An indie band from the UK. My fav song is "She Moves In Her Own Way".
If you're reading & haven't yet been tagged, let me know & I'll be MORE than glad to assign a letter to you!