Monday, April 13, 2009

Stinkin' Advertisement

So, we're out to eat with some friends on Saturday night enjoying some of these...

And before you know it, our conversation went South of the Border...thanks to this friend...

Apparently, there is a plumber driving around Cary in a van that has the following advertisement plastered on the side: "We're #1 in the #2 Business". (note that Kerri is describing the picture with her hand gestures) Catchy, huh? Well, that's not it. There's also a pic on the van of the owner...sitting on a toilet...with his pants down around his ankles. Are you kidding me? That's messed up (no pun intended)! I haven't seen this van, but if anyone has, please, please, PLEASE, send me a pic.


  1. I don't have a pic of the van but I DO have a pic of another plumbing place that has a guy sitting on a toilet. It's setup to where it looks like the man driving is on the toilet. I can send it, if you'd like...I need an email addy.

  2. Randy - I'm really not that obsessed with plumbers sitting on the toilet...I promise. BUT, if you get a chance, please forward to!
