Rules for The iPod Shuffle Meme
* Using the shuffle feature on your iPod (or other MP3 player), write down the first 10 songs that play. (I was seriously thinking about cheating because some of my most favorite bands didn’t come up…Smashing Pumpkins, Eagles & Motion City Soundtrack & Jimmy Eat World…BUT, I decided to play the game fairly, so now you have to play fair, too.)
* Justify, defend or explain why those songs are on your iPod.
* Tag someone else to complete the meme.
If you don't have an iPod or similar device: You’re a loser.
1. OMG…what a way to start this thing off. No way to defend this one.
Journey, Loving, Touching, Squeezing – How did this song get in my iTunes folder? Hmmm…Steve Perry SOMEHOW must have gotten a hold of my iPod while he was on tour in Raleigh...yeah, that's it. (although I doubt iPods existed the last time Journey toured) The only way to reach the Steve Perry notes is to sing at the top of your lungs. Go ahead, try it. Na, na, na, na, na, na…
2. Green Day, Basket Case – “Sometimes I give myself the creeps”…lolololol!!!
3. Bon Jovi, Til We Ain’t Strangers Anymore – Mmmmm…I think I’ve only heard this song one other time. Something beautiful about Bon Jovi singing, “Let’s get down to it baby”. Just makes me want to hold my man!
4. Whitesnake, Here I Go Again on My Own - What can I say? I’m a child of the 80’s! 1987 – Weatherford Eagles pep rally. This song ROCKED the auditorium! & yes, my hair was BIGGER than David Coverdale's.
5. Ramones, I Want To Be Sedated – I wonder what my plastic surgeon would say if I was singing this as I’m rolled in to the OR in a few weeks?
6. Rick Springfield, Oh Come All Ye Faithful – I have like 5 million Rick Springfield songs & THIS is the one that comes up? Really? 30-somethings have been kicked out of his fan club for much less than this. Seriously.
7. Lenny Kravitz, Just Be a Woman – My hubby has great taste in music. Love this song, babe!
8. My Chemical Romance, Disenchanted – I could write a book about this period in my life.
9. Twilight, Bella’s Lullaby – I downloaded the Twilight Soundtrack because my daughter Emily is OBSESSED with the books. It took her only a weekend to read through the first book of the series. (she's only 10) We got her the second one to bring on her trip to NJ & she’s already blown through ½ of it. A beautiful acoustic lullaby is not what I expected to hear considering the books are about vampires, but I suppose sucking someone’s blood could be considered calming…right?
10. Lily Allen, Sunday Morning – I feel like I should be shopping in A&F when I hear this song.
Since I'm Ebil, I'd like to tag more than one person today. #1: Sheri - because I want to take your mind off of chemo. #2: Deleise - because I know there's gotta be some interesting 80's music on your iPod, too! #3: Randy - because I owe you one :) #4 - My Blog Stalker
Have Fun!