While reading this post, you may think that I'm feeling disappointed, but that's not the case. Let me explain.
We're HUGE American Idol fans in this house. We watch it together as a family & most seasons, we make our own choices of who we favor. Megan chose Bucky Covington a few seasons back...that says a lot about our dear little Megan. Emily chose the guy that looked like Chicken Little...they sky is always falling for Emily, so this choice was also not a surprise. This season we ALL chose Adam Lambert & after watching him sing with KISS last night, we were all convinced he was going to be the winner. I mean who else can wear the platforms & comfortably rock out with Gene Simmons? Adam was a natural! So when Adam wasn't chosen as the next American Idol, we all immediately agreed that he was better off not having his wings clipped by the AI record label. Now, he'd be able to sing what he wanted & not ever have to worry about singing about hurricanes & mountains. Ugh. Anyway, it worked out for the best for him...no disappointment.
This morning I had my weekly check-up with Dr. Lyle. Have I said it before that the man is AMAZING? I'd noticed that the right side of my stomach was a bit swollen. Turns out it needed some fluid drained. Common after you remove the drains. No big deal. There's also a piece of skin on the radiated side that isn't quite healing like it should. I was borderline upset about it, but he said it's VERY common for this to happen to skin that has been radiated. There just isn't a ton of blood flow to the area. I was almost to the point where I was going to be disappointed, when he explained that in about a month, he was going to go back in & replace the skin & move some more tissue to the right side to make the two breasts absolutely perfect. Lucky thing is, he saved some tissue on the right side in anticipation of this event. The next procedure will be MUCH more simple. In & out, nothing major. Whew! I have my own little sculptor that's on my side & making sure I'm put back together again just right. How could anyone be disappointed with that? Count your blessings, my friends...count 'em.
Happy birthday Riley!
1 week ago
One always hates to go back for more procedures but it sounds like you have a great doctor ... and it's going to be an easy procedure.
ReplyDeleteThen you will have two absolutely perfect breast ... what more could you ask for?