Knowing the secret. (Not the book) Shortly before a friend of mine passed away, he whispered something profound in my ear. The secret to life is knowing what to do with our gift. I immediately pictured the gift that sits under the tree that no one wants to open. It doesn't have shiny paper or a big red bow. It's ugly...worn-like & 'cold'. Some don't want the gift because once you've been given the gift your life will never be the same. Our gift is cancer. It changes our life in a way that only WE know. Enclosed in the box with cancer are many mini gifts...the gift of strength...the gift of courage...the gifts of wisdom, hope, love & laughter. The gift of new friendships. We enjoy the sunrise like no other because it symbolizes another day that we've been 'gifted'. Additional time that we're given with our friends is a gift. I've never been exposed to a love & bond stronger than that from my husband & children...all because of my gift.
It may not have arrived in shiny paper & a big red bow, but it is truly the most beautiful gift that I have ever received. I am the luckiest girl alive because I know the secret.
What's YOUR favorite gift?
It may not have arrived in shiny paper & a big red bow, but it is truly the most beautiful gift that I have ever received. I am the luckiest girl alive because I know the secret.
What's YOUR favorite gift?
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