This past weekend, My Aunt & Uncle moved down to North Carolina from New York. They left behind a beautiful home they'd lived in since I was a baby. They also reluctantly left behind grandchildren and many, many years of wonderful memories. It was a big move for them, but we are so happy that they are here!
Helping drive the truck was the second oldest cousin, Paul. We haven't seen one another in MANY years, so we've spent the last two evenings catching up, laughing, reminiscing...& drinking entirely too much wine!
We decided that when drinking Two Buck Chuck, there's no need for a glass!
Auntie Kim & Meg
Paul & Em
Aunt Annie served dinner on her beautiful blue china, but when it came time for dessert, she was the only one who didn't get a dessert plate. Instead, she used the cardboard bottom of the cake as her plate!
Choosing the right picture for the wall turned in to a heated argument!
Oh my word Kim has not changed since she was 20 years old!