I had ended radiation the day before I left for Notre Dame. My skin was still very burned & raw & quite uncomfortable. One of the first places we visited on campus was the Grotto. I lit a candle & said a short prayer. The next day, my pain was gone & my wounds were healed. Oh, & the Irish won! 

Dad & Uncle Tony by their tree & plaque

Dad & I in front of the plaque & tree.

Sorin College was the dorm Dad stayed in while he was at ND.

The famous "Touchdown Jesus"

Gerry Faust & Dad

After mass, the players march from the Basilica to the stadium. This pic is of a very stoic Jimmy Claussen.

Unbelievable, I know, but this is Mr. Joe Montana's "back side". Annie & chased him all the way around campus before we were able to get this shot!

After the win against San Diego, the players, cheerleaders & band gathered in the endzone to sing the Notre Dame Victory Song.
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