For Labor Day this year, we went to John Liotti's annual Pig Roast in Mansfield, OH. It was a GORGEOUS drive through the mountains of West Virginia. Even the girls didn't mind the 10 hour drive! The entire family...mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins, etc., etc. were there. One 80 lb. pig, plus family, plus fall-like temps, plus a bonfire, plus beverages = one AMAZING weekend!

Ayla (cousin once-removed) taking a taste of the pig's ear! EWWWWW!

My cousins John (the host) & Paul.

They had a Mojito machine cranked & running the entire day. Some of us started a collection of cups & Corona's a bit too early! (AA) The water bottle was put there to try to "hide" the rest of the mess!

Time to slice the pig!

All of the kids were yelling, "OFF WITH THE HEAD!"

Such a sweet little girl.

A friendly game of horseshoes somehow turned into something right out of WWF!

Paul, Eric, T & Steve

The kids spent most of their day playing volleyball and some game that involved a LOT of screaming & a flag. We're still not sure what they were playing!

Now, THAT'S a bonfire!

Like mother, like daughter?

Uncle Tony trying to roast marshmallows.

Like a barnacle to a ship...that's Toby & T.

Bonfires & family...priceless :)